
Our vehicles are suitable for picking up the accepted loads and transporting them safely.


Our drivers are specially trained and there are sufficient load securing devices available. We consider ourselves solely responsible for our load securing measures and use the VDI 2700 as a basis. Further or different security measures require a written agreement.


Load exchange must be agreed in advance.


The client's pre-formulated contractual terms do not apply unless we have expressly confirmed them in writing.


As a carrier, we work exclusively on the basis of the ADSp, as a freight forwarder only according to the conditions of carriage of the HGB, for cross-border transports according to the CMR - each in the latest versions.

Ladungssicherung nach VDI 2700 - Ladungssicherung Gerhard Hölzemann Transporte aus Rehe im Westerwald

Special competencies

As a transport company, we have the following special competencies and permits:

  • Notification according to § 53 KrWG (approval for the transport of hazardous waste)
  • NIWO permit (for waste transport in and through the Netherlands)
  • Waste transportation permit Belgium (Wallonia)
  • Property damage liability insurance over 40 special drawing rights per kg.
Tautliner mit Coilmulde - Gerhard Hölzemann Transporte aus Rehe im Westerwald

Alsbergweg 10

56479 Rehe

Mobil  0151 18148925

 g-hoelzemann (at)